Monday, May 24, 2010

She resigned finale.

Well..on my way to back home, i try to switch on the phone eventhough the battery is crying for charging. I got one message...firstly-i thought from someone i used before to call me on net.
But it was my colleuge, and the text sound not good. I know she is resigned on this week. But boss doesn't has any clue yet,and i was just thinking the idea for her to work as an part time is a bet deal. But later on, I believes its hard for a admin exec to working as part time. Well thinking about a phone you has to make,a proposal you need to follow up,a quotation you need to fax and done it up,and also a not your job to seen, all this is unforseen when the idea is brought up. Wel, how come an admin can work fror 3-4 hours on she's online somemore. Shut up on that.
Just deal the work .Ok,fine...but I dotn know my boss is setting up his boat much more earlier. I dont know what is it all baout...when I get the text from her...Sound like this..
...S..Boss has ask me to resigned more earlier...and I will return all the things and also soem claim to you next week...not this in hospital...and the block...;
Whatever it is....i hope she's fine..and what she do in hospital..i guess her husband ... and thinking,.why so cruel...who...guess what.
Then im thinking what I will be facing on next on..starting tomorrow...=(. Boss too hurdle...Work need to done before June up...and Multitasker is a second issue here.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I dont know......why I was with him....
I dont know....why he like to hurt me....
I hope he's not with me now.....
He's making me much more bad than good....
Its make me feel to loose it...
People just like that........why? Why love and so on need to be so hurtled.?
I wish to be somewhere place where I can see some love for me. Its enough maybe
than in having a relationship like this. =(.

Am I not happy..? I think it is.