Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sambungan Resignation

Seperti yg dijangka, Humty Dumty sudah memanggil saya untuk ke ofisnya pagi lagi. Saya pergi dengan hati 'suspens',mengakal apa yang boleh berlaku dgn langkah yg sgt perlahan. Saya bawa sekali report reconciliation untuk ditunjukkan-mungkin boleh 'point up' hal lain selain resignation saya.
Akal saya hanya bertahan beberapa minit sahaja. Report reconciliation itu juga 'kalah' dalam pertaruhan. Saya ditanya oleh Humty Dumty.(memang tidak boleh lari)

HD: What is this.? (Sambil tunjuk kat surat resign I). Are you resigning? Why?
TK: Yes. I get an offer.
HD: May I know what is considering you to left this job? What is a reason?
TK: I have a plan for my heading future. (Saya tak sure saya jawab macam mana,kelam kabut)
HD: I regret to let you go, you get better opportunity here,believes me,for me, it is better you to think twice. If me, I will. Believe me. Are you really going? Can anything will stop.
If you want more better paid, I will.I can reconsider. But you have to gain more responsibility. Would you? You are my concern.
TK: (I was actually blur this time. I am not hopefully to be in this situation.)
HD: May I know, what is your offer,how much they paid you,how was the company, industry, why and why.

Foremost,he keep condemn me and I know he will just ok and fine to sign the resignation letter just right out of W-question. This is only a a play. I know.

I can feel it. I can see it. I know the pyschologhy of person. I swear.

Maybe Teh, yes she did ask me to rethink and consider the offer, but no offer has been spell out yet. What the fuck to said lar. And I dont like to be positioned under them. Bloody fuck more on this.

I a taking a risk,in fact. I am proud I think I had make a such remarkable changes again on me and started new life.

After discussion, company wont let me go earlier. One month notice without my leave adjustment.

Then, what can I said more, he gives a more, more,more stupid work. For a me , not an IA.

Thats a problem.Aye isnt' fucking the ho.

Subhanallah,marah dan geram saya ni. Saya dah patutu bersyukur, sekurang nya saya masih berada dalam keadaan sihat dan bahagia. Ya Allah, kuat dan tabahkan hati hambamu ni.Amin.

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