Sunday, April 19, 2009

MeNtOr 3 MacaM Best...

Aku menulis lagi.HuaaHuaa.Kali ni nak komen pasal Mentor 3, Wah, impressive, so far lar tgk ujibakat, tak tahu lagi contestantnyer. But the best things, is the mentor2nyer, semuanyer SUPERB lar. Aku terhibur dgn sesi Adibah Noor, well, tapi aku tak minat, yang datang2 tu, diorang mostly dgn konsep,"kami nak tunjukkan yang orang gemuk macam kami pon bleh nyanyi,". Hey, comeone thats shud be not a tagline for you all,and even for everyone in whatever your state condition.Ok.
Well, its a dream actually when u already go for it with your desired and intented so. So,as well, you or me,also myself,(pon gemuk juga),thats konsep its last ones lar. We shud be happy, we are great because we fulfill this beautiful world. Macam2 lagilar yang perlu komen macam untuk ujibakat protege Ajaiker,Awie ker and all. But the best part komen I nak put its I believes This Mentor could be the great one. Gempak and Mantop 'Tv3'. Well, sebenarnya, i tak follow sgt mentor2 sebelum ni time nabil, but starting when Fiq. Now, dunno what happen to him.
Mentor kali ni mesti SUPERB than before.
Poor yang fikir them bagus but can't get it. Woke up dear.But you all shud be give a big applouse la because of your determine and valiant. Yeah. Zazz...Layannnn

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